If you're a college-bound student, you'll commonly have a lengthy to-do list that requires your attention before you move away from home. Among the tasks to complete will be a considerable amount of shopping, even if you're living in a school dorm instead of getting your own place to live. It's a good idea to plan a visit to your local drugstore, as doing so will allow you to buy a handful of items that you'll need when you move away to college.
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Three Things To Know When You Need Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can be the difference between feeling like a brand new you, and living in pain for several years. It requires hard work and focus, but the results speak for themselves. If you want total-body healing and improved motor function after an injury or due to a medical condition, you need to get the help of a professional, licensed physical therapist. Let the tips below teach you what you need to know.
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How To Choose A Pediatrician
Babies are delicate, and their arrival presents various health challenges for parents. Newborns are susceptible to multiple infections since their immune system is weak and cannot fight the parasites, bacteria, and viruses that cause diseases. Pediatricians address these healthcare needs, allowing you to have peace of mind. You can choose a pediatrician a few weeks before your due date, and you need to select the right one. This article provides a few tips that should help you choose the right pediatrician for your child.
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What Happens During a Visual Processing Exam?
A visual processing exam is used to help identify visual processing disorders. These disorders, which are commonly diagnosed in children, can impact one's ability to identify relationships, direction, and movements.
Often, visual processing disorders can contribute to a learning disorder or the appearance that something else is wrong. If you choose to bring your child to a visual processing exam, here's what may happen.
Test of Eye Focus
One of the focus areas on a visual processing exam will be an assessment of how your eyes focus.
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