Coloring For Seniors With Failing Health

Do you have a relative who is a senior with failing health? If so, they may not be as active as they were in their younger years. Perhaps they spend much of their time at home doing mundane activities such as watching television. Your relative could benefit from using coloring as a therapeutic activity even if some of their health issues are related to mental decline. The following are some of the health benefits your relative may experience. [Read More]

2 Ways To Get Health Insurance For Your College Student

When your child goes off to college, you still want to make sure that they are going to be covered by health insurance. After all, college costs enough without having to come out of it with healthcare bills on top of student loans. So, what can you do to make sure that your child has insurance? Check Your Health Insurance Plan If your health insurance plan covers dependents, you should be able to extend that coverage until your child is 26. [Read More]

5 Creative Ways To Make Your Headstone More Reflective Of Your Personal Spirituality

Once you have made the arrangements for your funeral service with a pre-planning agent, you will be faced with adding the finishing touches to your end-of-life arrangements, including the investment in your headstone. One thing that often gets disregarded in all of this is the headstone. Headstones are often thought of as dull and boring grave markers, but modern technology in design allows for headstones to be just about as creative as you like. [Read More]

Kids Will Be Kids: 3 Steps To Take If Your Child Has Been Hit In The Head

If your kids spend a lot of time roughhousing, you might worry about them getting injured. This is particularly true if they hit their heads during play. If your child has been hit in the head, you want to make sure they don't have a concussion before you let them get back to playing. Here are four things you should do if your child has suffered a blow to the head. [Read More]