Questions About Getting Dental Implants When You Have Osteoporosis

If you are planning on getting dental implants and have osteoporosis, you may wonder if the procedure will be successful because of your bone disease. Below are answers to three questions you may have.

Can Someone Have Dental Implants When The Jaw Has Bone Loss?

After having a bone density test, you may have found out that you have some bone loss in your jaw. Because of this, there is a chance that the implants will not fuse correctly during the surgery if it is performed without certain precautions.

One way to increase the success of your implant surgery is to have a bone graft done beforehand. A graft will give the surgeon a solid base to put the implants in. However, there does need to be enough natural bone available to attach the graft to.

Will Taking Bisphosphonates Impact The Recovery Time?

If you take bisphosphonates to treat your osteoporosis, make sure you let your dentist know. This medication decreases the body's absorption rate of bone tissue. It can also extend the time it takes for the implant to fully fuse with your bones because the drug's action also decreases the tissue's blood supply.

Tell your dentist that you take these medications during your pre-surgical consultation. They can then speak with your medical doctor about the possibility of temporarily stopping the medication while you recover.

Could Smoking While Having Osteoporosis Decrease The Chance Of Implant Success?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The nicotine from cigarette smoke directly constricts the blood vessels and cuts off the blood supply to the bone and gums. This by itself will delay recovery time and increase the chances of infection.

When smoking is paired with osteoporosis, the chances of success drop even further. The smoke can interfere with the implant's ability to bond with the already porous bone.

If you do smoke and have osteoporosis, your dentist may require you to quit before they will perform the surgery. At the very least, you may be asked to stop smoking a couple of weeks before and after the procedure to increase the chances of success.

Even if you have osteoporosis, you may still be able to have dental implant surgery done. If you have any more questions or concerns, you may want to talk to your dentist or oral surgeon, such as at Oral Surgery Center. When you do discuss the procedure, make sure you tell them everything about your condition so that they can take the necessary precautions and steps to increase your success rate.
