Three Common Symptoms That Your Doctor Wished You Saw Them About

Most people would like to think they are pretty proactive about their health. From exercising regularly to watching what they eat, and even taking supplements here and there, there are so many ways in which you can practice good home health care in your daily life. However, sometimes it is unavoidable that you need an expert opinion, and many people try to put this off for one reason or another. A big factor in not going to see the doctor is because you just assume it is not a big deal, even though the symptom might be much more serious than you realize. Here are three common symptoms your doctor wished you saw them about as soon as possible.

Blood In Your Urine Or Feces

The sight of blood doesn't scare that many people, especially as many people grew up with a rough and tumble sort of childhood where cuts and bruises were common. You might assume that just a little bit of blood on the toilet paper after you wipe, or in the bowl when you go to flush is nothing to be worried about, but it is something that you should see your physician about. Blood from internal origins, such as your bladder or digestive system, should never be taken lightly because you just never know what causes it without further investigation. 

Any Sort Of Knock To The Head

If you work in a very active environment or play recreational sports, or even just fall down in an awkward position, then a blow to the head is not completely out of the question. In fact, many people suffer minor concussions every day and do nothing about it. Any time you experience head trauma you should always go and see your primary care physician about it. They will be able to check if you have any lingering symptoms, how you are holding up, and whether you need further monitoring. You never want to take chances with your head or brain, as head-related injuries are very hard to self-diagnose.

Disruption To Your Sleeping Pattern

This might seem out of the box, but if you are struggling to get a good night's rest then there might be more at play than just a bad sleep schedule. Sleep is such an important function that any disruption to it should be investigated before it becomes a habit and you start getting used to bad REM sleep patterns. Your whole health and mood can be changed by a poor night's sleep, and if it goes on for too long then it can be tough to break out of. Your physician can help check for potential causes and also give you medication if necessary to help fix this.

For more information, contact a local doctor's office or clinic, such as Sandhills Medical Foundation Inc.
