How To Build Your Own Emergency Medical Kit: Atypical Medical Supplies You Will Need And Why

There is always a chance that at some point in your life you will encounter an emergency medical situation. Are you prepared for it? Do you even know what you need or should have to treat all kinds of emergency situations? Here is how to build your own emergency medical kit, some of the most atypical medical supplies to include, and why you would want these items not typically found in a tiny first aid kit found in most pharmacies.

The Container for the Supplies

The container to hold your emergency medical supplies needs to be:

  • Waterproof
  • Fireproof
  • Durable in high winds

There may be "bunker boxes" at army surplus stores that can sustain all of the above but hold more and weigh less than a safe (not to mention the fact that they are easier to transport and store).

Atypical Medical Supplies to Put in Your Kit

Into your kit container you should place:

A couple of bottles of medical "skin glue". This product is able to mend small cuts and reunite the two sides of flesh along the cut. It is especially useful when you have head wounds or wounds that are not clotting quickly. The skin glue seals the area up and allows the body more time to create enough blood clotting factor to stop the bleeding.

stethoscope and blood pressure cuff (if you do not know how to use these, take some time to learn and practice) are two other atypical medical supplies you will need for your emergency kit. The stethoscope can help you listen for a slowing or rapidly beating heart rate, both of which are signs of more serious internal injuries or medical problems. The blood pressure cuff helps you check the injured person's blood pressure. Increased pressure can cause more serious health complications (e.g., a heart attack or breathing issues) while decreased pressure or rapidly decreasing pressure can indicate impending death if the injured person cannot get medical treatment right away.

Woolen blankets or reflective solar blanket are extremely effective for treating shock and hypothermia. The reflective solar blanket doubles as an emergency signal from the air, allowing helicopters and planes to spot the injured from the sky. Additionally, woolen blankets can be used to brace injured limbs as soft cushioning or to immobilize objects that have impaled the person's body.

If you have access to other supplies, such as medicines, sterile needles, oxygen tanks, respirators, etc., and these items will fit in the container, add them to your kit. 
